The most fear I have all my life until now is pain. I did not realize it until recently. The realization does not stop at skin deep level, it sheds light to why I have my current responses, behavior, mindset, … and unfortunately, the pain I have caused others. The later has continuously grieved me to this day. And this is why this writing came to be.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, pain is defined as a localized or generalized unpleasant bodily sensation or complex of sensations that causes mild to severe physical discomfort and emotional distress and typically results from bodily disorder (such as injury or disease). Another meaning is mental or emotional distress or suffering.

It is clear that pain is something everyone avoids but inevitable if one truly lives. In this writing, I limit the pain topic to that of mental or emotional distress or suffering. Not because it is more epic than physical pain, but simply because it is invisible to physical eyes and largely ignored, until something tragic happens. Many are so pained, it leads them to numbness or death. To be clear, being numb may not really differ from death as its objective is to stop feeling pain. But can one truly live the fullness of life by being numb?

From Christian biblical point of view, pain is caused by sin. Sin is caused by bad choice the first human beings made based on the book of Genesis. In short, their bad choice was about being equal to God, now famously referred to as the first sin. This led to their separation from God as He could not tolerate a single stain of sin, hence our chaotic world until now.

Out of this ancient sin, stem various types of evil deeds which repeatedly cause pain throughout mankind history. This is the perspective this writing points out which echoes what Romans 3:23 (NKJV) says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, and how pain can be beneficial.

We all have experienced hurt and pain others cause. We become upset, angry, grieved, bitter, and perhaps vengeful. Such experience, though uncomfortable, can be good if we decide so. Pain should teach us not to do the same hurtful manner to others. Pain should act as a warning to each of us about what damage it could cause, whether in our lives or others. In short, pain can be a good tool to prevent us from sinning against each other. However, the above can only happen if one truly lives and decides not to be numb emotionally.

Being numb certainly provides convenience, because the existence of pain is minimum. But it does create a pathway of mindset that what could not hurt us, should not do harm to others either. And this is largely incorrect but sadly largely adopted because of the immediate convenience it provides.

With the above being said, one needs to feel and endure pain. It is good for us because when we understand the extent of damage it could cause, it should remind us not to do it to others. It is good to prevent further evil doings, hence hopefully a more peaceful and orderly situation everyone desires to live in. It also acts as a halt button in our fast-pace lives, to make us slow down, stop, and re-evaluate our lives and priorities, to do what really matters. And that is good!

If you agree with me, the next question is are you willing to welcome pain and endure it, and emerge at the other end as a different, but hopefully a better you.

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